Family Portal Account Logon for School Readiness and VPK
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Family Portal Account Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ)
Why do I see the following message when trying to login to the Family Portal?
"Login was unsuccessful. Please correct the errors and try again."
You entered an incorrect value for the Parent User Name or Password fields.
To resolve the issue, verify that you are using the correct user name and password, and then try again.
If the problem persists, you may want to try resetting your password.
How do I unlock my account after receiving the following message? "Locked Out. This account has been locked out, please try again later."
Your Family Portal account has been temporarily locked due to multiple failed login attempts;
it will be automatically unlocked within 20 minutes, after which you may try logging in again.
If the failed login attempts were made by you, please verify that the credentials you have entered are correct.
If you are still unable to login, click the "Forgot My Password" link to reset your password.
If you did not make the failed login attempts, immediately contact Division of Early Learning support at 850-717-8600.
How do I reset my Family Portal password?
Click the "Forgot My Password" link and enter the email address associated with your Family Portal account,
and a system-generated password will be sent to your email address.
If you are having difficulty finding the password email, search your email inbox for an email with the subject line
“[Family Services] Family Portal New Password Request”. If you can't find the email in your inbox, check your junk mail and
deleted mail folders in case the email was redirected there. If you still can't find the email, try the
"Forgot My Password" link again, and the password email will be re-sent to the address you used when you created your account.
What should I do if I don't receive a new-password email?
First, search your email inbox for an email with the subject line “[Family Services] Family Portal New Password Request”.
If you can't find the email in your inbox, check your junk mail and deleted mail folders in case the email was redirected there.
Second, make sure that your email account is active and that the inbox is not full.
And third, check if email forwarding has been enabled for your email account.
If email forwarding is enabled, disable it and then try the “Forgot My Password” link again,
and the activation email will be re-sent to the address you used when you created your account.
If you are still not receiving Family Portal account-related emails, contact Division of Early Learning support at 850-717-8600.
How do I activate my Family Portal account?
Click the "Activate my Account" link in the account activation email that was sent to you when you created your account.
If you are having difficulty finding the account activation email, search your email inbox for an email with the subject line
"[Family Services] Family Portal Account Activation". If you can't find the email in your inbox, check your junk mail and
deleted mail folders in case the email was redirected there. If you still can't find the email, try logging into the
Family Portal again, and the activation email will be re-sent to the address you used when you created your account.
What should I do if I don't receive an account activation email?
First, search your email inbox for an email with the subject line “[Family Services] Family Portal Account Activation”.
If you can't find the email in your inbox, check your junk mail and deleted mail folders in case the email was redirected there.
Second, make sure that your email account is active and that the inbox is not full.
And third, check if email forwarding has been enabled for your email account.
If email forwarding is enabled, disable it and then try logging into the Family Portal again,
and the activation email will be re-sent to the address you used when you created your account.
If you are still not receiving Family Portal account-related emails, contact Division of Early Learning support at 850-717-8600.
What should I do if I suspect that someone else is trying to access my Family Portal account?
Immediately contact Division of Early Learning support at 850-717-8600.
As a reminder, Division of Early Learning staff will never ask you for your Family Portal account password.